Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Cara Merawat Komputer

Sebagian besar dunia bisnis maupun perseorangan bergantung pada keberadaan komputer. Komputer saat ini bukan lagi menjadi barang mewah, dan meskipun komputer adalah barang berteknologi tinggi tetapi untuk membelinya sudah tidak harus / meskipun boleh saja didampingi ahlinya.
Para penjual/vendor komputer/peripheral pun hanya menjual dan tidak/belum ada/atau saya belum tahu penjual/vendor yang menyertai penjualan dengan tip-tip perawatan (mungkin untuk perangkat keras ada). Adalah sudah waktunya bagi pemilik/pengguna komputer untuk mencoba membiasakan beberapa langkah perawatan yang dapat mencegah komputer kita bermasalah.
Yang pertama dan paling penting adalah kita harus siap bahwa kemungkinan terjadinya kerusakan atau ketidaknormalan kinerja komputer mungkin saja terjadi. Dengan membaca artike ini berarti anda sudah melakukan langkah pertama pada rencana pencegahan/perbaikan/perawatan komputer anda.
10 tips perawatan komputer :

Jangan pernah mematikan komputer dengan menekan tombol power sebelum OS/Windows benar-benar telah mati dan harddisk sudah tidak bekerja ( lampu indikator harddisk sudah tidak berkedip).Mematikan komputer dengan menggunakan tombol power tanpa menunggu OS berhenti akan menyebabkan kehilangan data atau file-file sistem Windows, lakukan hanya bila terpaksa. Lebih parah lagi jika kerusakan yang muncul adalah kerusakan fisik harddisk akibat head mengenai permukaan harddisk.Jika mungkin, lakukan reboot komputer dengan menekan Ctrl + Alt + Delete secara bersamaan dan lakukan sekali lagi untuk reboot.
Belilah UPS (uninteruptable power supply). UPS mencegah komputer dari kerusakan yang disebabkan tegangan berlebih/berkurang. Pada saat listrik mati berarti komputer dimatikan tidak sesuai prosedur dan akibatnya ada pada point 1.
Backup, backup, backup, jangan tunggu hingga besok. Lakukan backup data yang penting ke eksternal storage misalnya floppy disk ( masih ada gak ya yang pakai ) , Zip Drive, CD-RW, DVD-RW dan lainnya.
Lakukan Scandisk dan Defragmentasi setiap sebulan sekali. Hal ini akan menjaga hard drive tetap sehat dan mencegak kerusakan.
Jangan pernah mencabut peripheral dari komputer jika komputer dalam keadaan menyala. Hal ini akan merusak soket atau motherboard. Pengecualian adalan untuk peripheral yang “hot pluggable” misalnya USB drive. Jika tidak mengerti apakah suatu peripheral “hot pluggable” maka ingatlah point 5 ini.
Sediakan minimal 100 MB dari C: drive atau drive sistem free (Windows). JIka anda gunakan Windows Me atau Windows XP maka sediakan 200 MB. Jika tidak cukup tempat untuk area kerja Windows maka akan memaksa windows untuk melakukan dumping data ke harddisk anda dan akan menyebabkan komputer bekerja sangat lambat.
Jangan terlalu banyak program yang dijalankan pada saat computer mulai bekerja. Program ini dapat dilihat pada status bar dikanan bawan layer dan program-program ini menggunakan memori dan Windows Resources (Windows internal workspace). Jalankan hanya program yang digunakan.
Lakukan scan virus secara berkala ( Baca juga : Tips : Komputer Aman Dari Virus dan Memilih Anti Virus )
Gunakan firewall jika anda terhubung ke internet. Firewall mencegah Komputer anda dari akses yang tidak diinginkan.
Simpan dengan baik cd yang anda peroleh ketika membeli computer dan peripheralnya. Disk-disk ini berisi driver dan program yang sesuai untuk computer anda ketika anda perlu untuk menginstall ulang. Simpan ditempat yang aman, kering.

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

aBouT dotA

aPa itu DotA? DotA merupakan singkatan dari Defend of the Ancients, merupakan hasil modifikasi untuk game warcraft 3 : The Frozen Throne. Kemudian untuk kata “Allstars “ merupakan kumpulan dari semua hero – hero yang ada pada game Warcraft 3 : Reign of Chaos, expansion Warcraft 3 : The Frozen Throne dan juga terdapat penambahan hero – hero yang baru pada saat update versi terbaru DotA diluncurkan. Jadi gameplay dari game ini adalah pemain diharuskan untuk mempertahankan wilayahnya dan menyerang wilayah milik pemain lain. Dan akan ada sekitar 70 hero yang dapat dipilih oleh pemain. Setiap hero akan memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing – masing. Dalam permainan, anda dapat bertempur secara One by One ataupun secara Team. Taktik dan strategi sangat diperlukan dalam permainan ini, pemilihan kombinasi item dan hero yang salah juga bisa menyebabkan kegagalan pada team anda.


Aegis of the Immortal – Tameng yang menurut legenda dulu digunakan oleh Zeus, Dewa Yunani.
Aghanim’s Scepter – Aghanim adalah nama boss terakhir di beberapa game Zelda.
Buriza-Do Kanyon – Item dari game Diablo II.
Dagon – Dewa Semitic.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity – Sebagai penghormatan kepada pembuat DotA yang pertama kali (Eul). Sedangkan Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse mengikuti tradisi ini dan merupakan item untuk mengenang perintis map DotA Allstars (Guinsoo).
Eye of Skadi – Skadi adalah istri dari Van god Njord dalam mitology Norse. Dia adalah dewi salju, dan untuk menghormatinya, item ini membuat hero dapat memperlambat gerakan musuh pada setiap serangannya (Frost Attack).
Lothar’s Edge – Sebagai penghormatan kepada Sir Anduin Lothar, Ksatria dari Azeroth yang memenangkan “First War” (dalam Warcraft & Warcraft II).
Necronomicon – Buku fiksi tentang sihir yang ditulis oleh H. P. Lovecraft.
Nethrezim Buckler – Nathrezim atau Dreadlords adalah salah satu ras dalam lingkup game Warcraft.
Stygian Desolator – Senjata dari game Anarchy Online.
Heart of Tarrasque – Mahluk mistik yang menyerupai naga, singa, dan kalajengking. Juga merupakan salah satu boss dari game Starcraft.
Yasha – Sejenis setan dalam mitologi Indian.

Akasha – Salah satu dari 5 element dari kepercayaan Hindu. Juga merupakan nama karakter Queen of the Damned dari buku yang ditulis oleh Anne Rice.Atropos – Salah satu dari 3 takdir dalam mitologi Yunani, yang menurut legenda berarti “memotong benang kehidupan”. Hal ini diwakili dalam game dengan ultimate Fiend’s Grip yang akan menguras darah musuhnya.
Azwraith – Hero ini menggunakan model/icon berdasarkan dari karakter Kimhari dalam game Final Fantasy.
Furion – Pemimpin dari Night Elves yang menguasai alam dari game Warcraft III.
Bradwarden – Karakter centaur dari buku The Demon Awaken yang ditulis oleh R.A. Salvatore.
Juggernaut – Ultimate hero ini merupakan turunan dari omnislashnya Cloud Strife dalam game Final Fantasy VII.
Lina Inverse – Nama karakternya berasal dari Slayers, sebuah manga dan anime yang cukup terkenal.
Kel’Thuzad – Murid dari Lich King dari game Warcraft III.
King Leoric – Namanya berasal dari karakter di Diablo yang anaknya dirasuki setan.
Krobelus – Karakter dalam game Summoner 2.
Leviathan – Hero yang keliatan seperti raksasa laut. Namanya berasal dari mahluk laut yang cukup melegenda.
Lucifer – Malaikat yang jatuh dalam dosa (setan) dalam tradisi Kristiani.
Leshrac (the Malicious) – Karakter dalam game Magic the Gathering.
Magnus – Seorang fisikawan German, Heinrich Magnus, yang menulis tentang fenomena efek Magnus. Sedangkan hero ini memiliki ultimate Reverse Polarity yang mirip dengan apa yang terjadi dalam efek Magnus.
Medusa – Monster dalam mitologi Yunani yang pandangannya dapat merubah orang menjadi batu. Hal ini diwakili dalam game dengan ultimate Purge yang dapat sangat memperlambat gerakan musuhnya, meskipun tidak sampai merubah mereka menjadi batu.
Morphling – Shapeshifter dari game Wizards of the Coast’s Magic the Gathering, yang juga ahli dalam merubah-rubah statsnya.
Naga Siren – Merupakan mahluk dari mitologi Yunani, dimana siren (setengah manusia, setengah mahluk laut) mempengaruhi para pelaut agar datang ke pulau mereka. Dalam game, ultimate hero ini, Song of the Siren menyebabkan sekelompok musuh tidur selama beberapa waktu.
Rikimaru – Ninja dalam game Tenchu: The Stealth Assassins.
Zeus – Dewa petir dan juga pemimpin para dewa dalam mitologi Yunani.

Karena DotA (Defense of the Ancients) adalah peta/map custom, beberapa dari konsep- konsep game sangat berbeda dengan Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos atau The Frozen Throne yang asli. Namun demikian, game aslinya dan peta/map DotA custom punya beberapa kemiripan, misalnya pemakaian karakter Warcraft yg telah dimodifikasi, adaptasi dari mantra/spells Warcraft semacam Heal, dan benda/items semacam Boots of Speed (Sepatu Boot kecepatan).
Untuk peta/map DotA, dua markas/base di set di dua sudut berlawanan dari peta/map. Di masing- masing markas/base terdapat satu bangunan sentral yang dikenal sebagai Ancient, dari mana peta/map memperoleh namanya. Inti dari permainan adalah menghancurkan Ancient tim lawan dan mempertahankan Ancient sendiri. Ancient yang dipakai untuk masing- masing tim biasanya The Frozen Throne/World Tree (dalam variasi- variasi Classic, Allstars); dan Town Center normal untuk masing- masing tim (dalam variasi Outland). Tiga jalur/lanes menghubungkan kedua markas/base. Sebuah sungai berjalan diagonal di tengah peta/map, tegak lurus/ perpendicular ke tiga jalur/ lanes, masing- masing tim punya sejumlah menara/ tower pertahanan di masing- masing jalur/ lanes, yang diletakkan di sisi sungai bagian mereka.
Tim- tim terdiri atas maksimal 5 pemain, masing- masing mengkontrol satu hero, dan satu komputer yg mengkontrol creeps. Variasi standar tidak men-support kecerdasan artifisial (artificial intelligence/AI) untuk hero yang dikontrol komputer. Satu variasi yang dikenal sebagai DotA Mercenaries mengizinkan lebih banyak pemain yang dikontrol komputer, dan biasa dipakai untuk kegunaan latihan/practice atau waktu tidak ada pemain manusia lainnya yang bisa main. Beberapa developer memunculkan versi tes dari peta/map DotA dengan pemain AI yang mempunyai skill/ kemampuan bervariasi. Yang terbaru merupakan Cloud_str yang menciptakan dota allstars 6.27b AI.
Markas/base lawan memproduksi troops, yang dikenal sebagai creeps, setiap 30 detik, dimulai dari 1 menit 30 detik. Creeps diproduksi dalam set (yang juga dikenal dengan waves atau spawns) yang terdiri dari sejumlah unit tawuran dan satu unit terlatih, dan menjalur kebawah menuju tiga jalur/lanes yang tersedia di peta/map menuju markas/base lawan. Seiring dengan perjalanan permainan, jumlah creeps bertambah, demikian juga hit points dan damage mereka. Creeps untuk Scourge terdiri dari Ghouls dan Neuromancers, sedangkan creeps untuk Sentinel terdiri dari Treants dan satu Druid of the Talon. Saat creeps berjalan di jalur/lanes mereka akan bertempur dengan creeps, heroes atau menara/tower lawan yang mereka jumpai. Menara/tower memiliki daya tembak/firepower lebih baik dibanding creeps, jadi akan sangat sulit untuk creeps untuk melewati menara/tower tanpa bantuan dari seorang hero.
Variasi tertentu DotA (misalnya Allstars dan Mercenaries) memiliki Runes di sungai yang bisa diambil oleh hero untuk memperoleh bonus untuk waktu yang singkat (misalnya Double Damage, Regeneration, Haste, Illusion dan Invisibility), sedangkan variasi lainnya memiliki kegunaan Rune yg berbeda (misalnya aktivasi Challenge di Outland).
Tanpa pengaruh dari hero, permainan tidak akan bisa dimenangkan dengan cepat oleh kedua tim. Creeps akan bertempur masing- masing dan setelah itu mengorbankan diri mereka sendiri dengan serangan sia- sia ke menara/tower. Namun demikian, di latihan/practice, biasanya akan ada ketidakseimbangan kekuatan seiring waktu karena peletakan tertentu dari menara/tower, jalur/lane creeps, dan variable lain (karena perbedaan tipis dari sejumlah variasi, ke“untung”an akan bervariasi). Namun demikian, ketidakseimbangan ini begitu tipis sehingga kemunculan satu hero saja untuk jumlah waktu tertentu bisa meniadakan keuntungan itu

Perkenalan Hero
Hero diperingkatkan berdasarkan level. Sewaktu naik satu level, hero menerima atribut bonus dan satu skill point untuk dibelanjakan dalam mempelajari atau meng-upgrade skill yang sudah ada. Hero bisa naik level waktu permainan dengan mendapatkan experience. Experience bisa diperoleh dengan membunuh creeps, yang dikenal dengan istilah creeping atau farming dan dengan membunuh hero lawan yang dikenal dengan istilah pawning yang mengakibatkan hero mendapatkan lebih banyak experience points.
Creep netral dengan kesulitan bervariasi jadi ditaruh di seluruh peta/map, dan mereka juga bisa dibunuh untuk memperoleh experience dan emas/gold. Creep netral tidak diprogram untuk melakukan apa-apa kecuali bertempur dengan karakter yang terlalu dekat; karena dengan begitu, mereka ada untuk dibunuh untuk mendapatkan experience dan emas/gold. Creep netral ini bervariasi dalam kekuatan dari yang sangat lemah ( creep level satu), sampai yg sangat kuat dimana satu tim penuh hero dengan pangkat tinggi yang diperlukan untuk bertarung untuk menang (misalnya Roshan, di DotA Allstars).
Atribut Hero
Hero mempunyai tiga statistik utama, yang dikenal sebagai atribut (Kekuatan/ Strength, Kecerdasan/ Intelligence, Kelincahan/ Agility) dengan setiap hero memiliki satu Atribut Pokok. Atribut Pokok bisa ditentukan berdasarkan icon yang tampak di status panel, seperti yang digambarkan disini (Strength digambarkan dengan icon “kepalan tangan”/”fist”, Agility dengan “kaki” dan intelligence dengan pikiran/ mind). Menambah Atribut Pokok seorang hero bisa menambah damage. Sebagai tambahan, menambah atribut hero bisa mempertinggi statistik yang bersangkutan.
• Strength mempertinggi hit points dan regenerasi hitpoint. 1 Strength point = 19 HP, 1 Strength Point = 0.03 HP/detik tambahan regenerasi.
• Agility mempertinggi kecepatan serangan/attack speed dan rating armor. 7 Agility Points = 1 armor, 1 Agility Point = 1% IAS (Increased Attack Speed/ penambahan kecepatan serangan).
• Intelligence mempertinggi mana points dan regenerasi mana. 1 Intelligence Point = 13 MP, 1 Intelligence Point = 0.04 MP/detik tambahan regenar

Statistic Hero
Hero juga memiliki sejumlah variasi statistik yg bs dirubah dgn mewarisi skill, pembelian item atau perubahan atribut:
• Attack Damage – Mengindikasikan berapa serangan hero dikurangi dari hit point penerima. Menambah Atribut Pokok hero bisa menambah attack damage dia, dimana setiap penambahan satu poin di Atribut Pokok menambah attack damage dengan satu point.
• Attack Speed – Menentukan seberapa cepat hero memakai serangan mereka. Hero yang mempunyai attack speed dua kali lipat dari hero lain akan menyerang dua kali lebih banyak dalam sejumlah waktu tertentu. Attack speed ditentukan oleh base speed utk masing- masing hero, dan ditambah oleh agility. 1 Agility point = 1% IAS.
• Hit Points – Merepresentasikan berapa damage seorang hero bisa menyerap sebelum dia terbunuh. Hit points regenerasi seiring waktu sampai nomor maksimal. Nomor maksimal hit points seorang hero miliki dan kecepatan regenerasinya adalah fungsi dari atribut strength hero. Hero dengan strength lebih tinggi mempunyai nomor maksimal yang lebih tinggi untuk hit points dan regenerasinya lebih cepat. Hit points diindikasikan oleh angka current dan maximum.
• Mana Points – Mana points seorang hero adalah jumlah energi hero memiliki untuk mempergunakan kemampuan/abilities atau cast spell. Kebanyakan (tapi tidak semua) kemampuan/abilities mempergunakan mana. Mana juga regenarasi seiring dengan waktu. Jumlah maksimal mana dan kecepatan regenerasi mana adalah fungsi dari kecerdasan/intelligence hero. Mana points diindikasikan oleh angka current dan maximum.
• Armor Rating – Armor rating hero adalah berapa damage fisik ke hero dikurangi, dimana damage fisik tidak termasuk damage dari spell, namun demikian damage magic yang dilakukan ke seorang hero dikurangi 25% (yang bisa ditumpukkan yang berkurang dengan item dan skill tertentu). Jumlah damage fisik yang dikurangi oleh armor dilihat sebagai persentase dan akan mempunyai hitungan yang berkurang saat armor count naik.
• Movement Speed – Menentukan berapa cepat hero berjalan untuk jarak tertentu, tidak termasuk efek dari spells. Movement speed adalah base value kira- kira 300, yang berbeda dari hero ke hero, tapi bisa dimodifikasi dengan kemampuan/abilities atau item. Akan tetapi ada batasan kira- kira 522 untuk movement speed yang tidak bisa dilewati, walaupun kebanyakan hero tidak akan mencapai batasan ini. (Beberapa hero bisa mencapai movement speed ini tanpa Rune haste, yakni Balanar the Night Stalker yang mempunyai tambahan pasif berlari waktu malam, Slardar the Slithereen Guard dengan kemampuan/ability Sprint-nya, Barathrum the Spirit Breaker dengan kemampuan/ability Charge of Darkness, Strygwyr the Blood Seeker yang dengan gampang mencapai 522 dengan kempampuan/ability Strygwyr’s Thirst, Anub’seran the Nerubian Weaver dengan kemampuan/ability Shukuchi, dan Banehallow the Lycanthrope waktu dalam Shapeshift-nya.

Kata-Kata Hero dotA

ZEUS, Lord of Olympia:

"What's happening?"
"I'm ready and waiting."
"You're kind of slow for a human, aren't ya?"
"Lets get moving."
"My older brother Magni is King of the Dwarves."
"My younger brother Bran is a renowned explorer."
"If I didnt kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."
"I'll play your game, you rogue."
"I'll take The-rapist for five hundred."
"I'm on to you Trebeck."
"Come on, you nancy boy."
"You wanna get the undead? I'll tell you how to get the undead. One of their men pulls a knife, your man pulls a gun, they send your man to the hospital, you send their man to the morgue. Thats how you get the undead."
"Thats more like it."
"Let's get it on."
"Let's do this."
"It's hammer time."
"For Khaz Modan."
"For the bronzebeards!"
"Take this ya bastard!"
"Feel bros's brusy thunder." (Need a lot of help on this one.)

AIUSHTA, Enchantress:

"Is there trouble?"
"Are we being invaded?"
"What is nature's call?"
"I'm not the Dryad your looking for."
"Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn."
"You communicate by clicking on me, I communicate by doing what you say."
"I'm not in season!"
"I've got a few bugs set aside for later."
"Fall like leaves, in fall!"
"I dont reveal much on the minimap, its all my fault."
"I'll attract the enemy with my human call: "I'm so wasted I'm so wasted!"
"Aah, the great outdoors."
"For the trees."
"Making trails."
"I'm game."
"Taste my spear!"
"The hunt is on."
"Aim dead center."
"For Kalimdor!

Crystal Maiden:

"I can help."
"Thats curious."
"Shh, I'm trying to think here.
"What's the plan?"
"I'm no warrior."
"All I ever wanted was to study."
"The currents of magic are in upheaval."
"I pray my father is safe."
"Things are starting to get a little weird."
"Sounds good."
"I'll check it out."
"Sounds interesting."
"I'll take care of it."
"I hate resorting to violence."
"You asked for it."

"For Dalaran!"

SVEN, Rogueknight:

"What is it now?"
"I grow tired of waiting."
"Insufferable mount."
"I have better things to do."
"Dreadlords, do it in the dark."
"I get cranky when I haven't been fed."
"I must feast on souls."
"The legion needs...a better dental plan, these fangs are killing me."
"Darkness needs to get DSL, his line is always busy."
"For now."
"I'll play along."
"Very subtle."
"Heh, that may work."
"Die fool!"
"I must feed."
"Your life will sustain me!"
"Ash nah himbatul." (Need help on this one.)

SLITHICE, Naga Siren:

"My song is yours."
"Dont be afraid."
"I'm waiting with bated breath."
"Hey sailor."
"I will sing a requiem for the landwalkers."
"Dont be so shallow."
"Did you do that on purpose, or was it a fluke."
"Do you find me alluring?"
"My cousin was killed in a swim-by."
"Would you like to feel the ocean spray in your face? *SPLAT*"
"My song echoes from the deeps."
"By land or sea."
"On my way."
"Ash falla watore." (Need help on this one.)
"I'm hooked.""Done"
"The tide turns."
"This is for you chum."
"Die landwalker"
"By Azshara!"


"Bring it on."
"I am able to help."
"Ho now."
"Do not push me or I will impale you on my horns."
"Got milk?"
"There is a lot at stake here."
"Hey, what are these letters burned on my ass?"
" *Sound of glass breaking* 'Sorry.' "
"May my ancestors watch over me."
"For the tribes."
"Well done."
"Death to the enemies of the horde!"
"Death to the enemy!"
"Start Running!"

RIKIMARU, Stealth Assasin:

"You caught me."
"You again?"
"Now what?"
"I await the legions coming."
"The night elves shall suffer."
"For Zanfir."
"Dont touch me!"
"The shadows call."
"Cunning plan."
"Is that all?"*Groan*
"Die!"Various groans
"For the master!"

SYLLABEAR, Lone Druid:

"I'm awake, I'm awake."
"Our time is short."
"Where shall I strike?"
"My strength is yours."
"Only you can prevent forest fires."
"I'd rather be hibernating."
"He wasn't fuzzy, was he."
"The bears."
"Got any gummy humans?"
"Quit clicking on my bare/bear ass."
"The sleeper has awakened."
"My path is clear."
"At once."
"For nudora." (May need help on the exact spelling.)
"Victory is at hand."
"Bear arms."
"I'll make short work of them"
"In Nordrassil's name!"


"Do you require aid, human?"
"This better be good."
"Help me, help you."
"What will it be hot shot?"
"Kick down sparky."
"Click me baby, one more time."
"Maybe you should get a strategy guide."
"I dont remember casting slow on you."
"You dont get out much do you?"
"Lets chat on battlenet sometime."
"For the end-of-the-world spell, press Control, Alt, Delete."
"The flows of magic are whymsical today."
"If you insist."
"What a good idea."
"Its about time."
"Once again, its up to the elves."
"Your wish is my command."
"Now victory shall be ours."
"Without delay."
"For the alliance!"

YURNERO, Juggernaut:

"Yes Lord."
"What task is there."
"I am yours."
"Snatch the pebble from my hand grasshopper."
"My blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato."
"Twin blade action, for clean close shave everytime."
"Wazza be!"
"My blade has six engines."
"I will hear you and obey."
"Excellent choice."
"Taste my blade."
"For the Burning Blade!"


"How may I serve the goddess?"
"My watchers are ready."
"Moonlight shines upon the guilty and the innocent alike."
"I am the blade of the goddess."
"We will find justice."
"Excercise stunning scenery? Heh, this beats prison duty any day."
"I've spent so long underground, I had forgotten what the stars looked like."
"I fear for Maiev, she feels responsible for Illidan's escape."
"It feels good to be in the wilds."
"As you wish."
"An honor."
"For Elune."
"It shall be done."
"Plead your innocence."
"Watchers strike."
"Die criminal."
"Aradenu phelore!"

KARDEL SHARPEYE, Dwarven Sniper:
"Aye sir."
"You have a target?"
"I'm your shooter."
"What do you need?"
"This .. is .. my .. boomstick!"
"Where's me drink?"
"I cant shoot straight unless I've had a pint."
"There's me drink, get in my belly."
"Guns dont kill people, I do! Hahaaa!"
"Dont shoot shoot shoot that thing at me."
"I shot the sheriff, and the deputy, and your weird doggy too."
"You'll take me blunderbuss, when you pry it from my cold dead hands!"
"Locked and loaded."
"I'll take care of it."
"Time to go."
"I've got the beast in my sight."
"Take that, ya sod."
"Shoot to kill!"
"For Ironforge!"

JAH'RAKAL, Troll Warlord:
"Whatchya want?"
"Stay cool."
"Hm? Hm?"
"Bring it on."
"I am too cool."
"I should have brought a sweater."
"Chill out."
"We gonna get along just fine."
"I kill for you."
"I see."
"I go."
"I like some."
"Troll smash!"

RHASTA, Shadow Shaman:
"I hear you man."
"Dont worry, be happy."
"Happy jammin."
"I got the righteous groove."
"I'll be spearheading that right away."
"Sadly the name Pinkspear tribe was allready taken."
"I've lost my head, it was about ye big, I was keeping it on my spear, if you find it let me know."
"I made a collage of some of our little native friends. I call it a pick-me-a-bouquet."
"What do you mean what kind of accent is this, it's a troll accent, I swear ya makin me crazy."
"That be a real trip, man."
"You'll be tricksy."
"I feel you man."
"My pleasure."
"For the Darkspear tribe."
"Heads will roll."
"No mercy."

MANGIX, Pandaren Battlemaster:
"Is trouble brewing?"
"Name your poison."
"You seem a little pudged."
"Another round?"
"Ale is my bare neccessity."
"Last call before closing."
"Come drown your sorrows."
"This **** all owe you."
"I'd kiss you, but I've got puke breath."
"My dad, he was a bi-polar."
"I cant breed in captivity."
"*burp*, sorry."
"Fresh, cool ale here."
"Oh gladly."
"I'll give it a shot."
"Have one on the house."
"I'll put it on your tab."
ATTACK:"This will be grizzly."
"Now you're endangered."
"I bring pandamonium."
"Prepare to get thrashed."
"For Pandariaaaa!"

GONDAR, Bounty Hunter:
"How may I aid you?"
"How can this old one help?"
"I give you my wisdom."
"We will share our ways."
"My strength is yours."
"The orcs slaughtered my people."
"And their demon magics consumed our world."
"We that are left will reclaim what we can."
"Of life and honor, amongst the ashes of our history."
"We follow the ancient path."
"I'm too old for this, eeegh."
"At my age, you see death everywhere...death!"
"I can fight just like a *snore* "
"To battle! Hold my teeth."
"I pledge my loyalty.
"I'll do my best."
"As fast as I can."
"I will do what I can."
"If it must be done."
"I will try."
"For Draenor."
"Blood for blood."
"Strength and honor!"

KNIGHT DAVION, Dragon Knight:
"I am ready."
"What is your wish?"
"How may I serve?"
"I should have been a farmer like my father wanted."
"Lousy pay, constant danger."
"Well, atleast I get to hob nob with royalty."
"I am honored."
"I'll do my best."
"For Lordaeron!"
"Foul beast!"
"Foul beast!

MAGINA, Anti-Mage:
"The time has come."
"We must act."
"My blade thirsts."
"Command me."
"I shall fight fire with fire."
"Chaos boils in my veins."
"Demon blood is thicker than .. regular .. blood."
"I like my enemies dead, and my blades flaming."
"I love green trees."
"You will perish in flames *coughs*, I'm sorry."
"Darkness called, but I was on the phone so I missed him. I tried to star 69 Darkness, but his machine picked up. I yelled: 'PICK UP THE PHONE DARKNESS', but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls."
"At last we shall have revenge."
"Though I be damned."
"Durane call."
"At last."
"None shall survive."
"Your blood is mine"
"Run for your life."
"For Kalimdor!"

TRAXEX, Drow Ranger:
"My bow is ready."
"I will aid you."
"Direct my hatred."
"Let the living beware."
"End my torment."
"I hate what I have become."
"The living haunt me."
"Men are from Mars, I'm from the grave."
"I went on a job interview the other day and they were like; 'Ugh whats that smell', and I was like; 'Oh sorry its me', and then they said they didnt think I would be able to fit in with the other employees cause they were living and you know I'm dead so I wouldn't be a team player, but then I said I could work 24 hours and they said; 'Allright, you can work the graveyard shift'."
"I'm here, as always."
"If that is your wish."
"If I must."
"I go."
"Will this ever end."
"Embrace the end."
"Cold death."
"Your the lucky one."
"Let phantom arrows fly!"

"The light is my strength."
"Is there danger?"
"I stand for the light."
"I am here to help."
"Justice shall be done."
"It isn't easy being the prince."
"I will bring honor to my father and my kingdom."
"Light, guide my path."
"Light, give me strength."
"I should be in command."
"I know what I'm doing."
"There's no need to bow."
"A sound plan."
"For honor."
"Foul knaive."
"Betrayer of the light."
"You are past redemption."
"For my father, the king."
"Feel my wrath."
"Justice has come."
"For Lordaeron!"

NORTROM, Silencer:
"I thirst for magic."
"Be quick, time is mana."
"The Blood Elves await."
"Get on with it."
"I'm a magic man, I got magic hands."
"I never stole any buffs, I got receipts for everything."
"I smell magic in the air....or maybe barbecue"
"I stole your precious."
"Yeah, you can get a nickle for boosting starfall, but jacking heals at ten day stints in county, now lifting fairy fire, they just let you go for that, its not even worth the paperwork, but reincarnate, man that will get you life."
"I smell magic in the air."
"I'll handle it."
"Easily done."
"Watch and learn."
"Leave it to me."
"Very clever."
"For Quel'thalas."
"Its come to this."
"Your magic is mine."
"Endirina dor Highborne!"

EZALOR, Keeper of the light:
"You require my assistance?"
"What is it now?"
"Get on with it."
"Dont you have a strategy?"
"Your crackle begins to annoy me."
"You'd best stay clear of me, or I'll turn you into a mindless sheep."
"I dont waste my magic on just anything."
"This had better be worth it."
"I can hardly wait."
"To battle."
"For glory."*Wizardry muttering*
"For Dalaran!"

"What you looking at?"
"Get on with it."
"Huh?" "Huh?"
" 'So angry.' 'So hungry.' "
" 'That way.' 'No, that way.' "
" 'I'm was stupid.' 'Me too.' "
" *burp* 'He did it.' 'No, he did it.' "
" *fart* *laughter* "
"It's clobbering time."
"I go."
"Me smash you."

BOUSH, Tinker:
"What ya got?"
"I'm all geared up."
"The engine's running."
"All systems go."
"I'm more than meets the eye."
" *Ting* Oh oh, my tinker bell."
"Yeah runs on 220, 221, whatever it takes."
"She'll hold together, hear that baby, hold together."
"Bad noise, thats a bad noise."
" *Explosion sound* Woo, gonna need a new hamster."
"I've got a rocket in my pocket."
"That guy is nuts, grab him."
"All parts accounted for."
"Lets roll out."
"I'm on top of it."
"I can handle that."
"Yeah baby."
"You're terminated."
"You have ten seconds to comply."
" *Weird warcry* "

FURION, Prophet:
"Is there danger?"
"Command me."
"Who threatens the wilds?"
"The time is now."
"Nature is restless."
"My father was mounted over someone's fireplace."
"Feel natural, natures way."
"Dont let the dough hit you on the way out."
"When I attack, part III."
"Free rides for the ladies."
"Herd up."
"I must safeguard the land."
"By the spirits."
"For Kalimdor."
"Well, there it is."
"So shall it be."
"Feel natures wrath."
"Death to all defilers."
"None shall harm the wilds."
"Smite the defilers of the land."

AZWRAITH, Phantom Lancer:
"I can wait no longer."
"The warsong is supreme."
"Destiny is at hand."
" *Singing* I can see clearly now, the rain has gone."
"I'll consider it."
"Whatever you say."
"Let none survive."
"Weak minded coward."
"Taste the fury of the Warsong."

SQUEE AND SPLEEN, Goblin Techies:
"Yes? What? Hello?"
"Wrecking crew here."
"I stand ready."
"Whats happening."
"Are you our daddy?"
" *fart* 'Wasn't me, wasn't me.' 'Sorry.' "
" 'Where's the minimap?' 'I threw it in the lake.' 'Are you crazy?'
" 'Gotta match?' 'Your face, my ass.' "
"Candy Gram.""This is for mister Rhytymn.""Package for miss Crackeltooth." (Both names, I'm not quite sure of.)
"For all my homies."
"Sounds good."
"That will be a blast."
"Off we go."
" *Laughter* "
"Good night."
"We like it, we like it."
"Do not run, we are your friends."
"We come in peace."
"Light the fuse."

CHEN, Holy Knight:
"I am the warchief."
"Lok regard nogaro."
"Lets get on with it."
"The spirits are restless"
"My people are strong."
"I will lead them to their destiny."
"The spirits will guide me."
"I may have been raised by humans, but I'm no fool."
"For honor."
"Lok naross."
"None will survive."
"For Doomhammer."
"Your time has come."
"For the Horde!"

REXXAR, Beastmaster:
"Unleash my strength."
"I'm ready to track."
"Flush them out."
"What lies before me."
"My quarry nears."
"The beasts obey me."
"Where I lay my head is home. See that rock? That's my pillow."
"The beasts around me are nothing, compared to the beast within."
"I will now summon the avid dwaento."
"I summon the *SNEEZE*"
"Don't have a cow."
"Oh dear."
"Oops, please bear with me."
"Oh rats!"
"I hear the call of the wild."
"I've got the set."
"On the prowl."
"Our paths converge."
"I'm acting on instinct."
"I wander alone."
"Unleash the beast.""By fang and claw.""Magi cur." (Need help on this one.)
"For the Mok Nathal!"

MEDUSA, Gorgon:
"Is it time?"
"I grow anxious to act."
"Our will shall be done."
"I will not be trifled with."
"Time is short, mortal."
"Soon, we will reclaim the surface world, and take vengeance upon the night elves."
"Illidan will show us the path to power."
"Keep tripping over this, damn tail."
"Damned sea water, I'll never get these coils out of my hair."
"Its far too bright in this surface world, and this fresh air is irritating my eyes."
"I stand ready."
"By your command."
"In Azshara's name.""
For the empress"
"For Nashatar."
"Taste my sting."
"Athero bath trenas!" (I'm quite uncertain about this speech.)

BALANAR, Night Stalker:
"How will this benefit me?"
"Don't waste my time."
"You have an idea?"
"You call on me?"
"I await your counsel."
"I love it when a plan comes together."
"Sorry, I don't do interviews."
"We're not a cult, so much as a deniable group of fanatical blade-weilding zealots."
"I'll take a huge, juicy, bloody bite out of ... what were we talking about?"
"I'm always on the winning side."
"Join me, or die."
"Dont worry about the fine print, the soul consumption clause is never excercised."
" *torture* "And that concludes our demonstration, any questions?"
"I have returned."
"I'll do what I must."
"Stay out of my way.
"By any means neccesary."
"Wake up, time to die."
"None can oppose me."
"This one is mine."
"Vanquish the weak."
"For the Nathrezim!"

ANUB'ARAK, Nerubian Assasin:
"I have heard the summons"
"I serve only the frozen throne"
"The scourge will devour all"
"The strands of destiny weave only a web of death"
"It was good to be the king"
"Humans check in, they dont check out"
"And they say, blizzard games dont have bugs"
"My might cannot be matched"
"I'm the fifth beatle"
"Time is fleeting"
"I'll consume the living and the dead"
"I'll see to it"
"By Nerub"
"Oblivion awaits"
"Feel the venom of Nerub"
"From the depths, I come"

SLARDAR, Slithereen Gaurd:
"Our tide is rising"
"In the depths, no one can hear you scream, well they can but its really muffled"
"I think I have swimmers ear"
"This world will be mine, and I'll start with the swimming pools"
"Enable my revenge"
"Spare the pleasentries"
"Aid us in our plight"
"No sink shall be safe from world domination"
"Why have I surfaced"
"Convince me"
"Ice tea is part of a two prone offensive"
"Our alliance binds me"
"I'll make it so"
"This out to tide you over"
"Land born scum"

AKASHA, Queen of Pain:
"How ya doin"
"Turn me lose"
"Dont be shy"
"Do you work out"
"Oh thats naughty"
"We could talk more in the champaigne room"
"Sorry, time is up"
"I wont bite"
"Wanna buy me a drink"
"Anything for you"
"Oh thats good"
"I dont usually do this"
"Your in control"
"Take your punishment"
"Die smiling"
"Get a load of these"

DARKTERROR, Faceless Void:
"How can this old one help""
How may I aid you"
"Our blood shall mingle on the battlefield"
"I remember when the ale was strong and the wenches were fresh"
"I can fight just like a ... *snore* "
"Its cold, and there are wolves after me"
"Btter hurry before I die"
"Who is that guy with the sickle, why is he beckoning, and why is my grandfather with him"
"I'm too old for this"
"My strength is yours"
"My ancestors call"
"We shall share our ways"
"I will do what I can"
"I will try"
"If it must be done"
"I'll do my best""
I am needed once again"
"For Drenor"
"Blood for blood"
"For victory"
"I pledge my loyalty"

VIPER, Netherdrake:
"Why should I"
"Is it safe"
"When shall I strike"
"After 10,000 years, our revenge is at hand"
"I think I just slithered in something"
"Its kind of cold in ... *snore* "
"My next plan for world domination is ... *snore*, my hair"
"Direct my wrath"
"Yes, surface dweller"
"I can smell, with my tongue"
"I will honor our pact"
"As you wish"
"Our alliance binds me"
"Death to the surface dwellers"
"With venom"
"I will strike"
"From the murky depths, I come"

RAZOR, Lightning Revenant:
"The dead shall serve"
"What does the shadow will"
"This better be good"
"Every man lives, not every man truly dies"
"I love the dead, frequently"
"I see undead people"
"Do you smell something...just troops"
"Right click, for hot undead action"
"The restless dead await"
"As the shadow wills"
"Let darkness guide me"
"For the Lich king"
"Tremble before the scourge"
"None shall survive"
"The shadows beckon"

"I grow impatient"
"Are there demons nearby"
"I have been caged in darkness"
"My soul longs for vengeance"
"I have been alone for 10,000 years"
"My brother will pay dearly for his betrayal"
"None of them know my true power"
"I see, absolutely nothing"
"Wings, horns, hooves, what are we saying, is this Diablo"
"I'm blind, not deaf"
" *jibberish*, its a universal greeting"
"Is that all"
"Hardly a challenge"
"Evil draws close"
"Die fool"
"Vengeance is mine"
"You'll regret approaching me"
"Evil draws close"

"Take heart young one"
"My old bones ache"
"A storm is coming"
"Will these troubles never cease"
"The young warchief is burdened"
"My tribe is proud and strong"
"I pray this old body does not fail me"
"The earth mother smiles upon us"
"The earth mother is near"
"Attack""For honor"
"Stand and fight"

"Is there something amiss"
"My talents are yours"
"You called"
"The cult of the damned...I need to print more brochures"
"I always wanted to start my own religion, so I did"
"I will await my eternal reward"
"50,000 gold a year in child care and they call it a cult"
"I've been thinking"
" *struggle* this horn thing on my head is killing me"
"That sounds logical"
"A fateful choice"
"Yes, right away"
"Taste this"
"In the Lich King's name"

KROBELUS, Death Prophet:
"You brought me back'"Hi"
"You call to me"
"Let this torment end"
"How long must I suffer"
"I hate you, I hate you...call me"
"What must I do"
"U.n.d.e.a.d. find out what it means to me"
"Why have I been summoned"
"I must obey"
"If it pleases you"
"If that is your wish"
"Feel my pain""Die""Your soul shall burn"
"Let my cries chill the living"

LION, Demon Witch:
"Thy bidding"
"Yours to command"
"Could you chew that up for me""I'm so poor, I dont even have calcium deposits"
"I am the ghost of warcraft past"
"You should see the skeletons in my closet"
"You are the weekest link, goodbye"
"Direct me"
"I am sworn to Ner'zhul"
"So be it"
"By your word"
"It is destined"
"Dead man walking"
"Embrace the cold"
"I will crush you"
"Embrace the end"
"The ancient evil survives"

NESSAJ, Chaos Knight:
"Ready for battle"
"Command me"
"What is your will"
"Do you want to hear a joke"
"Sorry, I got nothing"
"Good one"
"For the horde"
"The ground shall run red with blood"
"Lets ride"
"Death to all who oppose the horde"

MORTRED, Phantom Assasin:
"Have you reached a verdict"
"I shall be your executioner"
"Justice may be blind, but I'm not"
"Truth, justice, and the night elf way"
"You think your above the law"
"What we have here, is a failure to communicate"
"I hold you in contempt"
"He is no good to me if he is dead"
"I am the iron hand of justice"
"Only the guilty need fear me"
"Let me investigate"
"Justice shall be swift"
"Let the hunt begin"
"I can taste their fear"
"Let justice be served"
"They shall not escape"
"I am the law"
"My prey is near"

PUGNA, Oblivion:
"My sight is yours"
"What needs revealing"
"I am but a shadow of my former self"
"What I do in death, echos in eternity"
"Death is its own reward"
"I'm having a mid-death crisis"
"I aint got no body"
"I'm invisible, gaseous, and deadly"
"I shall be your eyes"
"Lets see"
"I'll look into it"
"All shall be revealed"
"I go unseen"
"Die""Feel my wrath"
"For the master"
"More souls for the master"
"The damned return"

ROTUND'JERE, Necrolyte:
"I bow to your will"
"This is the hour of the scourge"
"Death shall cleanse the world"
"All I see is blackness...oh, my hood is down"
"Let blood drown the weak"
"The living be cursed"
"Would you like to know the secret to eternel happiness , Pg. 246"
"Once you had downed the dark path forever will adominate your destiny, and you get dental"
"Thy bidding master"
"I wish only to serve"
"My life for Ner'zhul"
"My life for Aiur, I mean...Ner'zhul"

"Yes master"
"Thy will be done"
"I gladly obey"
"My fate is sealed"

"Fear the reaper"
"Let life cease"
"Death shall reign/rain"

"The damned stand ready"

PUDGE, Butcher:
"What we do"
"You got us in stiches"
"We come in peace-es"
"Happy entrails"
"We done waiting"
Various groans.

"Rend and tear"
Various groans.

Various groans.

Member input appreciated

NOTE: Dismember: "Ahh, Fresh Meat"

BARATHRUM, Spiritbreaker:
"What troubles you"
"The spirites surround me"
"I am one with the earth"
"Death is not the end"
"I dreamed of this"
"I answer the call"
"We are all spirits in the material world"
"I say you all gonna make me lose my mind up in here"
"My hoof and your ass have an appointment"
"Fear my moo of fury *mooo* "
"Yes, the spirits are talking to me *fart*, oh yes, they are coming in clearly *fart*, now they are forming into a gasious material *fart*, I can actually see them now *fart*, the spirits are very powerful today"

"I see"
"It is destined"
"Just as I foresaw"
"Motherearth guide me"

"Hoof to the head"
"Return to the earth"

"The spirits of the earth guide me"

ANUB'SERAN, Nerubian Weaver:
"Make your choice"
"You rang"

"Whats done is done"
"The time is now"
"Yes master"

"For the spider kingdom"
"You may feel a sting"
"Be drained of life"

"Make your choice"

NOTE: Watcher: Refer to Pugna, Oblivion.

NEVERMORE, Shadow Fiend:
"What mortal"
"What is it now"
"I must hunt soon"
"If I have wings, why am I always walking"
" *ring* Yes? Aaargh, for the last time, I'm a dreadlord, not a drug lord"
"This is not a dress, its the standard dreadlord uniform"
"Dressed to kill, blah"
" *ring* Yes? Darkness, hey whats up? The demon hunter left you a message? No, I dont have his number, sorry"

"Tremble before me."
"What is your feeble request?"
"Dont waste my time."
"What trickery is this?"
"You know what burns my ass? A flame about this high."
"I think I have someone stuck in my teeth."
"Hey, hey, hey!"
"I think a certain .. finesse is called for here. *roar*"
" 'Welcome back to you, Jaina in the morning.' 'We are here with Malvengeroth, hunter of night and his girlfriend Kim. Now Kim, you think you are here for a makeover right?' 'Um yeah?' 'Mal, why dont you tell us why you're really here?' 'Well Kim kick, I love you, but I have something to tell you, I'm a demon.' *shock* 'Actually more of a pitlord. *more shock*. 'What, I dont understand, I thought you said you work for the post office.' 'Well, I moonlied.' "

"I come from the darkness of the pit."

"I bring darkness."
"You fail to amuse me."
"What a foolish ploy."

"To the slaughter."
"I go to destroy."
"This will please me."

"In Mannoroth's name."

STYGWYR, Bloodseeker:
"I'm lit."
"You may speak."
"Fire away."
"I will reduce all to ashes."
"Damn moths."
"No thanks, I dont smoke."
"Am I hot or what?"
"Why is that bear with the forest ranger hat keep following me?"
"So thirsty."
"I am the lord of all fire!" *splash* (High pitched voice) "Hey, that wasn't funny!"

"Beware, I live."

"I'll light the way."
"It shall be."
"The order is killing."
"It is done."

"They will be cleansed by fire!"
"Ashes to ashes!"

"Everything shall burn!"

VOLJIN, Witch Doctor:
"I hear the summons."
"How may I serve?"
"You seek me help?"
"What you be cravin'?"
"Iccum bocum." (Need some help with this one.)
"Do you be feeling well?"
"I may have something for ya."
"We be jaman." (Is it really jaman?)
"It's a cookbook! A cookbook!"
"Soiled grey is made from trolls!"
"Takui-san! Yes, go ahead. What the Iron troll is doing right now is putting heads in a pot. They have to boil for twenty minutes, so the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and raspberry sorbet." "Hmm, sounds good!"

"Someone call for the doctor?."

"Right the way."
"Tha be good choice, man."

"I do it .. NOW!"


HARBINGER, Obsydian Destroyer:Various groans.

MERCURIAL, Avatar of Vengeance:Various groans.

3. Neutral Units

Forest Troll Berserker
"Who do you wanna kill"
"Say hello to my little friend"
"Jut like that you filthy swine"
"Whatchya want"

"I do it"
"I'd love to"


Forest Troll High Priest: Refer to Forest Troll Berserker.

Kobold Taskmaster: Various groans.

Kobold Tunneler: Various groans.

Kobold: Various groans.

Satyr Hellcaller: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Satyr Soulstealer: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Satyr Trickster: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior: Various groans.

Polar Furbolg Champion: Various groans.

Gnoll Assassin: Various groans.

Ogre Magi: Refer to Aggron Stonebreaker, Ogre Magi.

Ogre Mauler: Refer to Aggron Stonebreaker, Ogre Magi.

Centaur Khan: Various groans, same as Centaur Warchief.

Centaur Outrunner: Various groans, same as Centaur Warchief.

4. Other Units

Scourge Ghoul: Refer to N'aix, Lifestealer.

Scourge Necromancer: Refer to Razor, Lightning Revenant.

Sentinel Druid of the Talon: Refer to Aiushta, Enchantress.

Sentinel Treant:
"Speak your mind"
"Standing guard"
"I am sworn to avenge"
"I can blend"
"Make it fast"
"Give a hoot, dont pollute"
"Frizby anyone"
"This is my owl, there are many like it, but this one is mine"
"I'm here to work on my slice"
"I'm caught between the moon and night elf city"
"Fly Bubo"
"I'm not given to flights of fancy"
"In position"

"I shall not fear"
"As the goddess wills"
"I walk in shadow"
"My wait is over"

"Pray for dawn"
"Come and get it"
"Fear the night"

Necronomicon Archer Level 1/2/3: Same as Clinkz, Leoric.

Necronomicon Warrior Level 1/2/3: Same as Clinkz, Leoric.

Leragas the vile (Secret Shop): Refer to Rotund'jere, Necrolyte.

ROTUND'JERE, Necrolyte:
"I bow to your will"
"This is the hour of the scourge"
"Death shall cleanse the world"
"All I see is blackness...oh, my hood is down"
"Let blood drown the weak"
"The living be cursed"
"Would you like to know the secret to eternel happiness , Pg. 246"
"Once you had downed the dark path forever will adominate your destiny, and you get dental"
"Thy bidding master"
"I wish only to serve"
"My life for Ner'zhul"
"My life for Aiur, I mean...Ner'zhul"

"Yes master"
"Thy will be done"
"I gladly obey"
"My fate is sealed"

"Fear the reaper"
"Let life cease"
"Death shall reign/rain"

"The damned stand ready"

PUDGE, Butcher:
"What we do"
"You got us in stiches"
"We come in peace-es"
"Happy entrails"
"We done waiting"
Various groans.

"Rend and tear"
Various groans.

Various groans.

Member input appreciated

NOTE: Dismember: "Ahh, Fresh Meat"

BARATHRUM, Spiritbreaker:
"What troubles you"
"The spirites surround me"
"I am one with the earth"
"Death is not the end"
"I dreamed of this"
"I answer the call"
"We are all spirits in the material world"
"I say you all gonna make me lose my mind up in here"
"My hoof and your ass have an appointment"
"Fear my moo of fury *mooo* "
"Yes, the spirits are talking to me *fart*, oh yes, they are coming in clearly *fart*, now they are forming into a gasious material *fart*, I can actually see them now *fart*, the spirits are very powerful today"

"I see"
"It is destined"
"Just as I foresaw"
"Motherearth guide me"

"Hoof to the head"
"Return to the earth"

"The spirits of the earth guide me"

ANUB'SERAN, Nerubian Weaver:
"Make your choice"
"You rang"

"Whats done is done"
"The time is now"
"Yes master"

"For the spider kingdom"
"You may feel a sting"
"Be drained of life"

"Make your choice"

NOTE: Watcher: Refer to Pugna, Oblivion.

NEVERMORE, Shadow Fiend:
"What mortal"
"What is it now"
"I must hunt soon"
"If I have wings, why am I always walking"
" *ring* Yes? Aaargh, for the last time, I'm a dreadlord, not a drug lord"
"This is not a dress, its the standard dreadlord uniform"
"Dressed to kill, blah"
" *ring* Yes? Darkness, hey whats up? The demon hunter left you a message? No, I dont have his number, sorry"

"Tremble before me."
"What is your feeble request?"
"Dont waste my time."
"What trickery is this?"
"You know what burns my ass? A flame about this high."
"I think I have someone stuck in my teeth."
"Hey, hey, hey!"
"I think a certain .. finesse is called for here. *roar*"
" 'Welcome back to you, Jaina in the morning.' 'We are here with Malvengeroth, hunter of night and his girlfriend Kim. Now Kim, you think you are here for a makeover right?' 'Um yeah?' 'Mal, why dont you tell us why you're really here?' 'Well Kim kick, I love you, but I have something to tell you, I'm a demon.' *shock* 'Actually more of a pitlord. *more shock*. 'What, I dont understand, I thought you said you work for the post office.' 'Well, I moonlied.' "

"I come from the darkness of the pit."

"I bring darkness."
"You fail to amuse me."
"What a foolish ploy."

"To the slaughter."
"I go to destroy."
"This will please me."

"In Mannoroth's name."

STYGWYR, Bloodseeker:
"I'm lit."
"You may speak."
"Fire away."
"I will reduce all to ashes."
"Damn moths."
"No thanks, I dont smoke."
"Am I hot or what?"
"Why is that bear with the forest ranger hat keep following me?"
"So thirsty."
"I am the lord of all fire!" *splash* (High pitched voice) "Hey, that wasn't funny!"

"Beware, I live."

"I'll light the way."
"It shall be."
"The order is killing."
"It is done."

"They will be cleansed by fire!"
"Ashes to ashes!"

"Everything shall burn!"

VOLJIN, Witch Doctor:
"I hear the summons."
"How may I serve?"
"You seek me help?"
"What you be cravin'?"
"Iccum bocum." (Need some help with this one.)
"Do you be feeling well?"
"I may have something for ya."
"We be jaman." (Is it really jaman?)
"It's a cookbook! A cookbook!"
"Soiled grey is made from trolls!"
"Takui-san! Yes, go ahead. What the Iron troll is doing right now is putting heads in a pot. They have to boil for twenty minutes, so the eyes can be used in a second dish, an eye and raspberry sorbet." "Hmm, sounds good!"

"Someone call for the doctor?."

"Right the way."
"Tha be good choice, man."

"I do it .. NOW!"


HARBINGER, Obsydian Destroyer:Various groans.

MERCURIAL, Avatar of Vengeance:Various groans.

3. Neutral Units

Forest Troll Berserker
"Who do you wanna kill"
"Say hello to my little friend"
"Jut like that you filthy swine"
"Whatchya want"

"I do it"
"I'd love to"


Forest Troll High Priest: Refer to Forest Troll Berserker.

Kobold Taskmaster: Various groans.

Kobold Tunneler: Various groans.

Kobold: Various groans.

Satyr Hellcaller: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Satyr Soulstealer: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Satyr Trickster: Refer to Rikimaru, Stealth Assasin.

Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior: Various groans.

Polar Furbolg Champion: Various groans.

Gnoll Assassin: Various groans.

Ogre Magi: Refer to Aggron Stonebreaker, Ogre Magi.

Ogre Mauler: Refer to Aggron Stonebreaker, Ogre Magi.

Centaur Khan: Various groans, same as Centaur Warchief.

Centaur Outrunner: Various groans, same as Centaur Warchief.

4. Other Units

Scourge Ghoul: Refer to N'aix, Lifestealer.

Scourge Necromancer: Refer to Razor, Lightning Revenant.

Sentinel Druid of the Talon: Refer to Aiushta, Enchantress.

Sentinel Treant:
"Speak your mind"
"Standing guard"
"I am sworn to avenge"
"I can blend"
"Make it fast"
"Give a hoot, dont pollute"
"Frizby anyone"
"This is my owl, there are many like it, but this one is mine"
"I'm here to work on my slice"
"I'm caught between the moon and night elf city"
"Fly Bubo"
"I'm not given to flights of fancy"
"In position"

"I shall not fear"
"As the goddess wills"
"I walk in shadow"
"My wait is over"

"Pray for dawn"
"Come and get it"
"Fear the night"

Necronomicon Archer Level 1/2/3: Same as Clinkz, Leoric.

Necronomicon Warrior Level 1/2/3: Same as Clinkz, Leoric.

Leragas the vile (Secret Shop): Refer to Rotund'jere, Necrolyte.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

ahh.. mAsih binGung...

bAru beLajar Bkin bLog nie...
AJaRin dOnK